It’s no secret that tobacco products are not good for your health. They are highly addictive and can be a very difficult habit to kick to the curb, not to mention the high cost associated with them. If you smoke cigarettes or consume tobacco in some form, and you’re ready to give up, you may be wondering what actually works. What about CBD oil, does it help with tobacco addiction? We’ll answer that question and more in this post.
Behavioural addiction goes hand in hand with physical addition
The addictive ingredient in tobacco products is nicotine, and this is the physical side of the addiction. For a lot of people, smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco is just as much a behavioural addiction as physical. The process of inhaling or chewing these products is somewhat therapeutic, and many have set times during the day when they will use these, and it becomes a habit. Breaking this behaviour can be extremely challenging.
Can CBD oil help to quit tobacco?
CBD oil can help with a wide range of health concerns, and while it is relatively new to the medical world, it’s showing promising signs thus far. Here’s how it may help with tobacco addiction:
Relieve withdrawals
The withdrawals from giving up a highly addictive substance such as tobacco can be all-consuming and debilitating. When someone is in the midst of withdrawal, the symptoms can be more than having the urge for a nicotine hit. Side effects such as headaches, sleeping issues and irritability can set it. How long the withdrawals last and how intense they are can differ from person to person.
The human endocannabinoid system (ECS) is responsible for controlling many bodily functions, some include sleep, mood, stress response and pain. CBD interacts with the ECS and prevents the breakdown of endocannabinoids. Our body naturally makes these, and CBD can assist with this by maintaining a consistent level. Supplementing CBD oil during the quitting process can help your body to cope with the symptoms associated with withdrawal.
Can reduce the amount of tobacco needed
Some studies have shown that those who used CBD via a vape smoked 40% less in a week than those without it. This is believed to be a result of the effects that CBD has on one of the major endocannabinoids anandamide, which is known to produce feelings of happiness, joy, and bliss.
Can reduce tobacco cessation anxiety
There is good evidence to show that CBD oil can have a positive effect on mental health concerns such as anxiety, and it’s not uncommon for those quitting tobacco to have these kinds of feelings. It can be really hard, and using CBD can rectify imbalanced serotonin levels. This can lead to optimal brain functioning and lower chances of anxiety or symptoms associated with it.
Things to consider when using CBD oil to quit tobacco
Talk to your doctor
First and foremost, before taking any new supplement or similar, you should always consult with your doctor beforehand. CBD can interact with some medications, and it may not be a suitable option depending on your past medical history. Your doctor can offer professional advice on what options may be best suited to you, given your current health.
Only use high-grade CBD oil
To reap the full benefits that CBD can offer and to ensure what you are ingesting is safe, it’s important that you only use a high-grade product. Do your research, and look into how the products are formulated, and what standards they adhere to for manufacturing. The CBD oil you use should be organic, this will ensure no heavy metals or pesticides have contaminated the oil. Additionally, the CBD should have a very low level of THC in it, 0.3 per cent or less.
Look for CBD oil that is full-spectrum
Full-spectrum CBD oil has all the beneficial ingredients in it that are naturally found in hemp plants. These compounds work in harmony together to provide the user with ultimate health benefits.
Can I get addicted to CBD oil?
Unlike smoking marijuana, taking CBD oil has nil addictive side effects, so you can take it safely without worrying about swapping one addiction for another. is a Danish company and webshop that strives to create the most reliable marketplace for CBD products.
Why should I try CBD oil if I want to give up tobacco?
CBD oil is entirely natural, and it is tolerated well by most people. Prescription and over the counter medication and treatments for nicotine addiction are synthetically made and aren’t typically successful. They only focus on the physical side of the addiction, not the behavioural. CBD oil offers many benefits and can be used for a multitude of health concerns. We suggest addressing both the physical side and behavioural side of your tobacco addiction for the absolute best results, i.e., CBD oil in conjunction with behavioural therapy.
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